Gravity Test
Which ball will bounce the highest?
I believe that the basketball will bounce the highest because it is one of the heaviest and isn't super dense.
IV- Ball
CV- Dropper, Height of drop, surface being dropped on
DV- Height of bounce
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Wiffle ball
- Soccer Ball
- Foam Ball
- Yard stick
- Hard flat surface
1. Stand the yard stick vertical against a wall so that it is straight.
2. Take one of the balls and drop it from the hight of the yard stick, measuring how high it returns.
3. Repeat four times with each ball, each time measuring how high the ball bounces.
4. Record the data
1. Take the yard stick and stand it up on end
2. Take one of the balls, it does not matter, and drop it from the top of the yardstick
3. Measure how high it bounces back
4. Record the data
5. Repeat steps 1-4 four times for each ball
My hypothesis was proven correct with the data that we collected. The basketball tied with the volleyball had a 36.5 inch bounce. The foam ball had the lowest bounce with only 21.5 inches. I think it's because the ball is made to absorb impact, affecting the contact with the floor. This experiment went well in my opinion and explains that different materials are affected differently by gravity.
Friction Test
Which surface lights a strike-anywhere match the fastest.
Personally I think that the side of the box will light up the match the fastest because its only sole purpose is to do just that.
- Box of strike-anywhere kitchen matches
- Clay brick
- 2x4
- Smooth cement
- Timer
- A glass jar with cover(to put the used matches)
- A controlled environment
How I'm Going to Eliminate External Variables
I am going to wait for a calm day for this experiment because a slight breeze might destroy a spark that was going to light the match. I am going to conduct this experiment outside because I don't feel like burning my house down. By me being the only person lighting the match, eliminates another external variable.
CV- Match, person striking the match
IV- Material used to light the match
DV- The amount of tries for lighting the match
Control- Section provided on the box
1. Gather all materials
2. Take a match and either the brick, box, cement, or 2x4 to strike it on
3. Start the timer and start to rub the match vigorously on the material you selected
4. Stop the timer when the match ignites
5. Record the time
6. Repeat steps 3,4,and 5 four times for each material
7. If one of the matches does not light, try again
8. Dispose of the matches properly and clean up
Surprisingly what lighted the match the best is smooth pavement, proving my hypothesis incorrect. The cement lit our match in 2.22 seconds while the side of the box got 2.5
I come to the conclusion that the smooth cement is the best for lighting a match, proving my hypothesis wrong. This experiment went very well, the only thing I think I could have done to make more accurate results was take another box and connect the two striking surfaces together to get a wider surface to strike upon.
Speed and Acceleration
I took a bunch of empty paper rolls and connected them. Then I made a ramp and tied the first three of four sections together. Then the next two on the straight way. I timed each of these three foot sections starting at the beginning of all. The fastest time of the four, was the second three foot section with a time of .34 seconds. Segments with the longest completion time were the two last pieces with a time of .48 seconds. Theoretically, the last one should have the longest time but these times were spared milliseconds.
Proficiency #4- How simple machines utilize mechanical advantage to transfer energy
Experiment- Simple Rube Goldberg.
In my Rube Goldberg I first used a screw by having a wheel spin around with a string pulling at the lever to let the car go. The inclined planes led the car to hit a train that goes down a ramp. The train then hits dominoes causing kinetic energy to occur until it hits a domino the pulls down the water, just like a pulley, the water slides down another ramp (slide) and then goes into the bowl, for my cat!
Proficiency #5
In my Rube Goldberg I first used a screw by having a wheel spin around with a string pulling at the lever to let the car go. The inclined planes led the car to hit a train that goes down a ramp. The train then hits dominoes causing kinetic energy to occur until it hits a domino the pulls down the water, just like a pulley, the water slides down another ramp (slide) and then goes into the bowl, for my cat!
Proficiency #5
Leaking slowly
Lack death approaches
Brothers and sisters already consumed
Monsters of society and nature
A cry for help erupts from under water
Hope help arrives but for no I cannot
Nor could I, for nothing penetrates this
Who are these devils
That poked a hole in our Earth
And into my world
Our poor choices for energy is causing death everywhere but since it's not human death, no one seems to care. Marin animals, land animals, all kinds of animals are slowly starting to vanish. We can still fix this though by switching our mindset to helping everyone, not just ourselves.
One of the best ways to do so is solar energy. Though not cheap it's worth the expense. Just get a solar panel and set it outside and it will provide energy and recycle it so it can last during the night hours.
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First Proficiency (Gravity test) |
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